Loren Henderson
Associate Professor
Sociologist/School of Public Policy
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
Voting rights
Race and accumulation of wealth
Racial disparities in housing values
Race and the Great Recession
Structural inequality and violence
Racial wealth gap
Gender and race in business startups
Interracial marriage and families
Race and earnings in the STEM sector
Black farmers
Health Disparities
COVID-19: Race, ethnicity; Black mothers; Black farmers; Native Americans
Diabetes: Black and white older adults
Single urban African-American mothers in genomic research
Intimate partner violence
Arthritis in Black and White men
African-American alcoholism
Racial isolation and chlamydia rates
Trauma and Black youth
African-American mothers, parenting amid violence and fear
Bisexuality among African-Americans
Sexual health of incarcerated Black and white men
Straight men who have sex with men and women
Butch and femme idientites among African American lesbians
D & I
Race, gender, and depatmental rankings at research universities
Homophily and diversity in business
Affirmative action and diversity
Youth participation in immigrant mobilization
Diversity in the workplace
Gender and persistence in computing and engineering
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Race, Ethnicity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic (University of Cincinnati Press, 2023)
"The fingerprint of Trauma on Black youth: a critical analysis of Eurocentric social work models with African American adolescents and the shift toward the Afrocentric paradigm," Trauma And Mental Health Social Work With Urban Populations (London and New York: Routledge, 2022)
"The Sexual Health of African American and White Men: Does Former Incarceration Status Matter?" Research in Race and Ethnic Relations (UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2019)
Diversity in Organizations: A Critical Examination. (New York: Routledge, 2015)
Black Mothers in Racially Segregated Neighborhoods Embodying Structural Violence: PTSD and Depressive Symptoms on the South Side of Chicago Journal of Ethnic and Health Disparities (2023)
“How I Can Help Me”: Self-Care Priorities and Structural Pressures Among Black Older Adults With Diabetes." The Gerontologist (2021)
“Anomie, the Great Recession, and Racial Differences in Depression.” Issues in Race and Society: An Interdisciplinary Global Journal 10(1):183-209 (2021)
Leadership & Service
Executive Officer of the Association of Black Sociologists (2021-Present)
Journal Board Associate Editor, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education (2018-Present)
Elected Representative, Executive Committee of the Association of Black Sociologists (2016-Present)
Committee of the Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference (2017-Present)
Vice President, UMBC Faculty Senate (2022-Present)
Subcommitte Chair for University Governance and Engagement Campus Conversation, UMBC: Bold Campus Conversations initiative (Winter 2023)
Member, Executive Committee for the Recruitment, Retention and Advancement of Underrepresented Minority Faculty at UMBC (2021-Present)
Chair and Member of UMBC College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Honors and Awards Committee (2019-Present)
Member, Comprehensive Examination Committee, UMBC School of Public Policy (2016-Present)
Member, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, UMBC Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Public Health (2016-Present)
Member, UMBC Black Faculty Committee (2016-Present)
Speaking & Consulting
Health Disparities
Sex & Sexuality
Diversity & Inclusion
DEI Work
Qualitative Analysis
Dissertation Support
Graduate Student Mentorship
Faculty Mentorship